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3D Fabric Mapping
Juan Lagrange avatar
Written by Juan Lagrange
Updated over a month ago


Professional members: 150 uploads p/m

Basic members: 50 uploads p/m

Individual members: 5 uploads p/m


Design Image: The new 3D mapping function by default will use your -2 jpg image to create the design video.

The -2 images should be the entire flat representation of your designs. If -2 is not your full flat images, you can change the -number used in the "Video" tab, in the "studio Website" area of your backend. This is important; it allows you to show your design's scale correctly in the video, your image should represent a real-life width of 45cm (the width of the swatch in the video).

Logo: Please upload a jpg of your logo for the swatch header via the "Video" tab. The Logo JPG must be 1000 x 500 pixels with a white background. The logo jpg represents the full height and 2/5ths of the length of the header. Your logo should be at least 45 pixels within this area and scaled correctly.


When keywording your designs, check the "Make Video" box to create a video for that design. The video will then be placed in the queue for rendering. It can take up to 24 hours, depending on the number of current renders being processed for the video to show on your website. The video will appear as a thumbnail on the large design page.

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